The Rotary Club of Reading - Santa Run 2024
And so another Santa Run completed…
...and be it the first time
for some or a repeat for others, ‘thank you’ goes to all for entering and
coming to the University grounds for Reading’s Great Gathering of Santas!

Between you and our sponsors we have raised funds for our
chosen charities, and as part of the Reading community we are always very
pleased to be able to direct funds to well deserving local causes.

Pro-vice Chancellor Elizabeth McCrum started both the 2k
and the timed 5k runs with a great countdown and with the Mayor of Reading, Councillor Glenn Dennis, in attendance to hand out awards.

The Rock Choir kept us all entertained with festive music
and so despite the damp conditions another fun time was had by all
Mayor of Reading, Cllr Glenn Dennis presents the awards to the winner of the ladies', Rachel, and the winner of the men's Max.

All the above photos kindly provided by Bex Willis of Bexboater Photography- 07778 978870
see more from the photo gallery here> where you may need the password santa2024
Many, many thanks
Chief Elf