2022 Mock interviews at Theale Green School

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2022 Mock interviews at Theale Green School

The Rotary Club of Reading
Published by Vicky M in News · Tuesday 19 Jul 2022
The last week of the Summer term found 9 members returning to school - Theale Green- in the guise of Interviewers!

We were welcomed by Dr Anne Richards, Head of 6th form and 'looked after' by Claire Smith,  6th form Careers Manager.
who kindly made a wonderful sponge cake for the mid-morning coffee break- a definite perk of the job!

35 students of the 50 expected arrived at their appointed times and many an interesting interview was had using  the helpful guideline notes previously circulated by Tim Metcalfe; kindly provided by Polly Metcalfe, a member of the careers department at The Oxford University.

Conversations varied around the room , from dress code for the interview,  fidgeting,  how to improve their CV,  to discovering that a number of the students  had little free time as they were involved in so many different activities, both in and out of school and we learnt that many  were working at weekends and looking to increase their hours over the summer, a sure  sign of the world that they are growing up in .

Interviews lasted approx 30 mins and Rotary members all felt that they had been able to give something to each of their interviewees, shaking them by the hand, thanking them and wishing them well as they left.

Theale Green then provided us with a light lunch which gave us an opportunity to discuss the morning, with all departing the school feeling that they had contributed to the students' futures, if only in a small way.

VM 19/07/22

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