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The Rotary Club of Reading
Published by Tony C in Events · Friday 07 Oct 2022 ·  2:30
Could you spend half a day a month helping those in fuel poverty?

Increased fuel costs affect everyone, but for some it will be a very hard decision between food, warmth and increasing debt. Living in a cold and draughty home is far too common, and many of the solutions are both quick and cheap

DraughtBusters is a voluntary group that surveys homes for draughts and takes remedial action. The website draughtbusters.net gives all the advice needed to survey your own home and make changes, but the main thrust of the project is to provide the materials and trained labour to undertake the work, free of charge, for those in fuel poverty. Households are referred to Draughtbusters through Citizens Advice Bureau and WInterwatch,or might contact us through the website or through word of mouth.
With the cost of energy at a massive high, we anticipate a far larger demand for help this Autumn than can be provided through the current set of experienced volunteers. Draughtbusters wants to set up additional hubs across Reading and train new volunteers to undertake this important work. We’ve applied for additional grants from the Reading Climate Action Network amongst others, and have enough money in place to start training new volunteers in October and provide the tools and equipment for each hub.
It’s easy to survey a house and carry out draught proofing! If you would like to help with this project, and can commit to at least half a day a month, we’d love you to join us. This could be as an individual, or through a group of people forming one of the new hubs. You’ll get full training (and can go on to help yourself, friends and neighbours do their homes), and go out in a team of 2 or 3 (with one expert trainer to begin with) and with all tools and draught proofing materials provided. Everything is arranged by appointment and there is no cold-calling.

Alternatively, if you cannot become a draughtbuster, but know people who need help, then please give them the website or help them apply for assistance.

Interested and want to know more?
There will be a meeting at the civic centre on October 14th from 6-8pm to launch the extended programme and anyone interested is welcome. Alternatively, if you think your group could form a hub, then perhaps it would be easier for one of us to come out and chat to you at a more convenient time.
You can get hold of us on www.DraughtBusters.net using the contact form
or telephone tricia on 0118 9268341 for an initial chat

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